Frequently Asked Questions

If you can’t find an answer, give us a call at 312-456-0665 Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm CT or send us an email at [email protected].
General Questions
What experience does ProManage have?
ProManage, LLC is an investment management firm that has been in business since 1998 (first as Strategic Financial Concepts, then ProManage, Inc. and ProManage, LLC) and is headquartered in Chicago. ProManage is independent – it does not sell investment products and therefore can provide unbiased investment diversification services. Its associates have, on average, approximately 20 years of experience in the investment, legal and employee benefits design areas. ProManage is a federally registered investment adviser.
What is a Plan Health Check?
The plan health check uses Monte Carlo simulation to estimate potential outcomes, should you implement ProManage’s suggestions. We use Monte Carlo instead of average outcomes because roughly half the outcomes will be worse than average, so Monte Carlo offers a more realistic picture.
If we hire ProManage, what are our responsibilities as Plan Sponsor?
ProManage takes on co-fiduciary status, so your responsibility is to exercise prudent care in assessing our services when hiring us, and ongoing to monitor that we are providing our services in accordance with our stated methodologies. Investment performance is not the standard! Doing what we say we will do, is.
How do you charge for your services?
Fees are dependent on the design of our services for your participants. They can be covered by the plan sponsor, by participants, or a combination of those approaches. More information about our fees and services is available in our disclosure brochure, the ADV2A, available at the IAPD website.
BeFine™ Financial Wellness App
Can participants include spouse’s or partner’s information?
Yes. An employee can connect their spouses/partner’s accounts just the same as an employee can.
What kinds of accounts can users connect?
Checking, savings, credit cards, mortgages and some loans can all be connected to BeFine electronically. Users’ employer-provided benefits like health plans and retirement plans like 401(k)s are automatically connected. Currently, retirement plans like IRAs that are outside their employer’s offerings, must be entered and updated manually.
How customized is BeFine?
BeFine is customized to reflect the amount of information users add. The more information that is provided, the better BeFine can reflect users’ circumstances.
Does BeFine advertise any products?
Nope. ProManage never advertises any other products, including our own. We also do not sell or give any user data to any outside entities.
How can they access the BeFine app?
BeFine can be always accessed on-the-go, that means no download is required. If users are connected to the internet, they can login via the Desktop app or mobile app.
As an employer, what information can I see about the participants’ engagement with the app?
Our periodic reporting provides a wealth of information about how your employees use BeFine. However, individual data entered by participants is not shared with the employer.
Can ProManage help us roll out and/or market the app to our employees?
Yes. Please reach out to our team and we can help your organization market and roll out the app to your employees.
Is our organization the right size for this service?
First and foremost, we love to work with organizations that have a people-first mission. While we don’t have one “right size” organization, we typically work with organizations that have from $15 million to more than $3 billion dollars in their retirement accounts.
How do I know this would work for my team?
We don’t expect you to have all the answers. That’s why we perform a plan health check so your organization can see potential recommendations or outcomes that ProManage can provide. If you’d like to learn more, contact us.
We have a pension plan/company stock program/etc. Would PROgram work for us?
Yes! We customize our approach to your organization’s goals, demographics, and retirement benefits program—including pension plans—so we can target an appropriate level of financial risk for each participant.
What are the benefits of having a managed account as QDIA?
The PROgram is designed to help those who don’t feel interested or confident enough to determine their own allocation, so implementing it as an opt-out instead of an opt-in allows us to support more of those disengaged participants.
Can a spouse include their info in the PROgram?
Yes. We want to help you see the whole picture when it comes to your financial future. A participant can have their spouse’s information included in their PROgram allocation calculation by entering it in Vision.
Does the PROgram use actively or passively managed funds?
Depending on the specific investment funds offered in your plan’s lineup, we can use either an active or passive fund in a given asset category. Although, we generally prefer passive funds due to their lower cost.
How do we know it’s working?
We offer detailed information on the effectiveness of benefits packages and access to Retirement Readiness Statements to track progress. Learn more on our Insights page.
What happens if we change record keepers?
If we already work with the new record keeper, we can be a seamless part of the transition. If we do not, we will explore with them the best approach for transitioning to their platform. Some of our clients who have changed record keepers have made retaining our service one of the criteria for selecting their new provider.
Can participants adjust their allocation once enrolled?
PROgram participants have the ability to make modifications to their allocations as they see fit. They can do this by using Vision. Since we retain fiduciary responsibility for the outcomes, we put guardrails on the degree to which they can change the allocations that we determine for them.
What happens once a participant retires?
The PROgram stays with participants even after they retire. That means they can continue investing through the PROgram for as long as they’d like.
What types of accounts can be managed through the PROgram?
There are many types of accounts that can be managed through the PROgram, some examples are 403b, 401k, and 457. If you have a unique situation, we’d be happy to work with you.
How do you choose the funds?
ProManage diversifies participants’ account balances across the investment options available in your plan, creating allocations designed to deliver the broad investment market to your participants. We are independent; we do not sell or market our own or anyone else’s investment funds.
How do participants check their account balance(s)?
They can sign into their plan recordkeeper’s website to see where they stand.
Does the participant need to use the modeling tools to see Vision’s suggestions?
No, we provide immediate suggestions to every participant that is enrolled, regardless of whether they have conducted any modelling or entered additional data.
Does Vision apply to participants who aren’t using the PROgram?
If Vision is included in a plan, participants can access it for guidance and advice whether or not they are enrolled in the PROgram. It's important to note that if a participant implements Vision’s suggested savings and investment strategy, they will automatically be enrolled in PROgram.
How can they access Vision?
Vision is typically accessed from your intranet platform, via single sign-on from the plan record keeper’s participant website, or through direct connection to Vision’s website.
What if participants have outside retirement accounts?
Outside retirement accounts are always welcomed and help Vision provide a better picture of the future. Users enter this information into Vision manually.
Can younger employees use Vision?
Yes! For younger employees, Vision is all about planning. Employees can track their savings, better plan, and eventually prepare for retirement.
Can a spouse include their info in Vision?
Definitely. The employee can manually input their spouses/partner’s information so, together, they can better track and plan for the future.
How do I know this would work for my team?
We don’t expect you to have all the answers. That’s why we perform a plan health check so your organization can see potential recommendations or outcomes that ProManage can provide. If you’d like to learn more, contact us.
How customized is Vision?
Vision is customized to incorporate your organization’s retirement plan provisions in its modeling. Its calculations also reflect the amount of information users add. The more information that is provided, the better Vision can reflect the user’s circumstances.
What information can participants see on the Retirement Readiness Statements?
They’re customizable. The general approach is to show them their Retirement Readiness based on their current savings and investment elections, and where they could be based on our suggested savings and investment strategy.
How often can we receive a Plan Health Report?
Typically, our clients request to receive Plan Health Reports on an annual basis. But, if you’re interested in changing that cadence, feel free to reach out.
Is Insight still helpful if I don’t have specific questions about my plan?
Many organizations find Insight’s data to be helpful. You can learn more about it by requesting a plan health check. If you add Insight to your employees’ benefits package, we’ll work with you to identify unique challenges and opportunities—and the design changes you can consider to improve your plan.